Thursday, January 28, 2010

And so it begins...

Hello AGD's!!! I am officially christening this blog and writing the first post. Amy J. came up with a good idea to have a Purdue AGD Beta Xi blog where we could share our stories and life updates instead of doing our crazy email chains that we all have a love/hate relationship with. :) haha. This idea came about probably close to a year ago but we all got busy with life and forgot about it. So, here goes:

I had a lot of changes in the year 2009. I gave birth to my second child, Tyler Anthony Pohl, on June 30, 2009. He is now 7 months old and doing well. He is actually at home sick with his first cold related illness as we speak however overall he's been a very healthy strapping young boy :) He still has not cut a tooth yet, no words but he is rolling, sitting and crawling. Addison is 4 years old now. She is attending preschool half day and enrolled in ballet. She starts kindergarten in the fall!!! Ahhhh...unbelievable.

Tyler 6 months old
The fam at Seaworld Dec 09

Brian, my hubs of 3 years is still at Republic Airways flying United express and Delta connection regional jets. He was hired by Southwest Airlines November 2008 but due to the conditions of our economy the airline put a freeze on all new training classes. So, we are just waiting it out until they are ready to add him to their fleet.

I substitute taught last year from January through May to test out the waters of a career in teaching. Luckily, I loved it...solidifying my desire to finish up my teaching degree. I was a stay at home mother from May through December and just recently went back to work. I decided that subbing wasn't financially feasible while paying for 2 kids to be in daycare so I got a new part time job as the administrator of a preschool and daycare. I have been at this job for 1 month now and am really loving it. I am in charge of curriculum for the preschool as well as administrative work pertaining to the state paperwork, enrollment, new hires etc. In addition to this I teach in the 4's classroom. We've had a fun month in January exploring themes such as: snow, hibernation, and arctic animals :) PS. The best perk of my job is that my children get to attend with me and it's free...saving me at least $1,000 in childcare expenses per month! Let me hear a Woo Hoo!!!

In November a group of the 2001 pledge class got together for a Mommy & Me AGD reunion. It was so much fun seeing my sisters with their babies. I was the first one to be a mommy out of the group so I am so happy that I have friends that are going through the same experiences now. Allison, Courtney, Jennie and I were in attendance. See the below picture from that day:

Well...that's a bit of an update on my life. Tell us about yours or just post for the heck of it! This is our outlet to do with whatever we please. If you would like to ad a post please email myself or Amy J and we'll give you the admin rights :)


  1. 1. I want a child so I can be part of the "mommy and me" play group.


    2. I am going to start a play group like this, but with dogs. haha!

    3. Oh, and Brandy - who is the random child in the Sea World picture? haha!

  2. 1. Don't worry about the kid've got plenty of time to join the mommy and me play group. And just least you won't be a grandma by the time you're 50 like me and Allison! haha

    2. I'm sure Katie and a few others would love that :)

    3. His name is Nathan. You met him at Amour's house that one time we met up in Orlando. He's Amour's girlfriends little boy.

  3. That picture of Tyler makes me more excited about having a baby soon.. such a cutie! Not that I wasn't before, just nerves are taking over more than excitement.. so I guess whenever you do another mommy and me party I'll be eligible to attend :)

  4. Eligible...hahaha. Yes, Leslie...I'm excited for you too.
